Solving your #1 relationship issue, no matter what it is

My purpose is simple: help you overcome the #1 conflict in your relationship.

I’ve helped hundreds of women – starting with myself – overcome their biggest relationship issues, rediscover themselves inside their partnerships, and have more intimacy.

So, now, it’s your turn.

Hi, I’m Karina—

I’m a breadwinner, my husband left his career, and we’re the best of friends.

I’m a Relationship Coach that helps women stop the cycle of arguing with their partners so that they can have more intimacy and OVERCOME the hole of communication that exists in their family.

I want to help you radically change the lives of the generations watching you—we’re not just changing the way your kids see you and your partner, this is for the grandkids, too.

I have no shame in sharing that as a child of God I am on a mission to help you heal your relationship and break generational curses that will create healthy children, healthy bodies, healed wealth and create an unbreakable comprehension between you and your boo.

It's time to transform your relationship from battleground to playground, because when you truly understand each other, anything is possible.

Relationships. You Understand? Podcast is a show where we dive deep into the heart of what makes relationships tick, helping couples trade arguments for intimacy.

Spring Clean Your Relationship Series

Release Your Relationship